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recipes from Provence - fig leaf ice cream

Fig Leaf Ice Cream

Makes a litre of ice cream

400ml milk

600ml cream

15 fig leaves, torn

125g brown sugar

6 yolks

Vanilla essence

1 tbsp liquid glucose

Combine the milk, cream and fig leaves in a pan over a medium to low heat and warm until just simmering. Leave to infuse over night in the fridge.

Strain the cream mixture and discard the leaves. Put back on a medium heat, do not let the milk boil. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla until light and creamy (about 3-4 minutes), pour in the milk mix and replace back on the heat. Stir in the liquid glucose mixing until the custard coats the back of a spoon.

Leave to cool and then churn in an ice cream maker or in the freezer mixing every hour for four hours. Serve with mango and thyme crumble, recipe here.


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